7 week hypertrophy 4 day

Once I finish up the bridge I will be transitioning to this 7week hypertrophy 4 days, which I have already purchased. I see there are 4 days but are none of them allowed to be back to back?

For example is this okay?

GPP on sat or sun

Or does it have to be

With GPP within any day.

Thank you I know this might sound like a dumb question just not sure what to do.

Glad you’ve got the new template! You can certainly train back to back on a 4 day program. So we often use M/Tu/Th/Fr for training with GPP on Wed or Sat.

Thank you some much for the help!

So in the 4 day hypertrophy template we squat and deadlift on back to back days and also bench press.Is that safe?I mean shouldn’t there be a little more time for recovery?

Why would it not be safe?

I was thinking that benching two days in a row is too much because it would be too much fatigue and the muscle wouldn’t be recovered from the previous session.The same is for hamstrings,squatting one day and deadlifting tomorrow.I guess i was wrong than :slight_smile: