Volume and Template Question

First of all I wanna say that I just finished the 12 Week Strength template (mock meet was 2 days ago) and it got my squat up to 405 from the low 300s and I’m extremely happy. Thank you for putting out great programs.

I am now looking to move to one of your Hypertrophy templates and am looking to lose 20 to 25 pounds while maintaining strength if not improving it.
My first question is, assuming I have no time constraints whatsoever, is there ever a reason to go with the 3 Day Hypertrophy Template over the 4 Day version?
My second question is, with my stated goal of losing about 20 pounds and maintaining/improving strength, I’m fairly sure it would be impossible to lose all that weight in the 7 weeks that constitute one of the hypertrophy programs. In that case would you recommend running the same hypertrophy program twice on a caloric deficit, running the 3 Day Hypertrophy template then the 4 Day version both on a caloric deficit, or run 7 Week Hypertrophy (caloric deficit) > 12 Week Strength (maintenance calories) > Hypertrophy again (caloric deficit)? Or any combination I haven’t thought of?

One last quick thing, what are your thoughts on the 30 minute walk first thing in the morning method of fat loss described in the To Be a Beast article for someone in my current situation?
Thank you very much BBM crew.

  1. If you did well on the 12WS, then if you have no time constraints the 4-day hypertrophy would be a fine choice.

  2. I don’t think these details will make a huge difference if the calorie deficit is in place. If you can handle the 4-day schedule, I’d probably stick to 4-day templates though. If I were in this situation, I’d probably repeat the hypertrophy template, but there’s definitely room for personal preference here.

  3. There’s nothing magic about doing it first thing in the morning outside of potential adherence considerations. We plan to update that article as certain parts of it are a bit out of date.

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Would you modify the GPP volume on the second consecutive run of the 4 day hypertrophy template? Start week 1 with the GPP volume of week 7 and increase it at the same rate (+1 minute of AMRAP work, +1 set of arm work at week x) it increases normally in the template? How about non-GPP volume? Keep doing singles @8 every week for the second run through? Throw in any extra sets?