9 weeks to prep for a meet

I just found out my powerlifting meet has been rescheduled for 25 July (fingers crossed restrictions on gatherings don’t tighten again). I’m looking for recommendations for how I can make a template fit my needs.

I have been doing bodyweight training at home the last ~8 weeks, trying to get fairly close to failure, just to keep as much muscle as possible. My gym is open now so I have access to usual equipment, but because it’s been a while since I’ve touched a barbell I’ll need to gradually increase volume. And I’m guessing it’s probably better to keep the PL specificity high since I’ve only got 9 weeks to reacquaint myself to the movements.

My first thought was to do the last 9 weeks of one of the 13 week strength templates. The problem I see is that the volume for my first week back might be inappropriate. Another option might be doing either the 1st or 2nd half of Strength I or Powerlifting II (6 weeks) followed by the peaking template (3 weeks).

I’d do the first 6 weeks of one of the strength templates, followed by the slow peak template.

Thanks, appreciate the advice.