Abdominal Cramping

Hi guys,
Today after I did some heavy pause squats I went to bend over to pick something up and my abdominals cramped really badly (like pulsing charlie horse). Think the scene from Alien when the alien busts out of the guys stomach. It only lasted about 45 seconds and then went away.

I’m rather tender in that area now, and find my stomach flexing slightly intermittently. I know I should continue training, but is there anything in particular that causes this to happen, or that I should do to prevent it? Maybe an inadequate warm up? This was also my first exposure to 2ct pause squats, maybe the demand on my core to brace was too high too fast?

Your expertise is appreciated.

Probably related to your first exposure to the lift. Doubt it had anything to do with your warmup. I wouldn’t worry about it for now, continue training this week (belt up for everything if necessary) and see how it goes next week.