About to finish my first full run through of The Bridge. In my second go I plan on swapping my Chest days with my Press days as per question 12 in The Bridge FAQ due to Press not progressing. That said, my bench isn’t moving a whole lot either so I don’t really want to give up the volume there. Any suggestions?
Long description of problem in my log: https://forum.barbellmedicine.com/forums/unmoderated-forums/training-logs/3902-fosterions-log
You probably need more advanced programming at this point given the failure to respond to The Bridge. More volume, frequency, playing with intensity ranges, etc. are all in play here
Instead of Running through The Bridge again I was considering the 7 week hypertrophy bias, would that suffice?
I mean- the program is good but it’s unlikely to improve your strength significantly if you’re not responding to the bridge.
Right, I forgot to include that one of the other goals I have is to lean out a bit. I am using the next program selection to align with goal selection. I was thinking of doing the Hypertrophy program then following that with a strength program. My thought was doing so would play with some of the variables you mention.
I’m guessing you’re also indirectly suggesting Monthly Group Programming…which I am considering.
You could definitely run the hypertrophy template whilst leaning out, then go back into a strength program. That could work nicely.