The Bridge again, or something new?

Hey all,

Just did Week 8, Day 3 of The Bridge 1.0.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the program. Not feeling torn up, seeing my lifts go up (benched 205# for 1@8 today, at the end of my LP it was 165 for 1@ an awful grindy 10)

I have the 3day, 7 week Hyper program, and am wondering if it’s worth running the bridge through again.

My goals are to get stronger, gain a sensible amount of weight, and looked jacked af.

I was 155# at the beginning of my LP, I’m 177# now. Am thinking of getting up to 195 and then leaning out over the next few months.

My current thought process is this - run the Bridge again, keep gaining about 1lb a week. This takes me to the 1st week in December.

Run the 7 week Hyper twice, gaining for the first time (taking me through the holidays). Then using is to lean out as we head into spring.

No plans to compete, just general strength acquisition.


That seems like a pretty good response to The Bridge, grats! I think your plan to rerun the Bridge and move on to hypertrophy is fine.

You can run it again identically, but I wouldn’t be afraid of making some of your own modifications, like changing up the supplemental benches. It can help keep the stress novel to continue a strong response to the training. Or keep it all the same, I suspect you’ll make progress either way.

I think BBM generally recommends not running GPP templates back to back. You could consider the endurance template while cutting to change things up, but again, I think running the hypertrophy template a second time (with or without some supplemental lifts changes) while cutting would be fine too.

I’ll definitely consider switching up some of the supplemental lifts as I run the Bridge through again.
Appreciate it.