Increasing volume on the Bridge for arms

I’m at the end of the 4th week of the Bridge 1.0 and I’m making pretty good progress on the lower body movements, but the bench and press aren’t moving much, apart from the short novelty of doing the bench variations. Should I maybe add some volume to those, or wait and see how things go in the following weeks? On the GPP day, I’ve been doing slow negative chin-ups interleaved with “get-up-as-much-as-I-can” chin ups (basically just shrug my shoulders down), but I can only do about 12-14 reps of each in total during the 7 minutes.

I’m 29, female, probably more on the resistant side of the spectrum - wide hips, narrow shoulders, hypothyroidism (taking thyroxin), LP didn’t last much.

I originally wanted to continue with the 3-day hypertrophy and HML programs, but now I’m wondering if the 4-day hypertrophy and 4-day strength templates would be better. I could probably find the time, but wouldn’t it be too much of a jump in volume?

Yes, I’d run through this program first (as it’s only a few more weeks) before making a wholesale programming change, but you may in fact need a bit more training stress on the upper body lifts over the long run, and this may consist of either more volume and/or more intensity – in other words, it needs some experimentation to determine your response!

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