I am planning on trying Sumo Deadlift and alternating weekly between Sumo one week and Conventional the next week. This is for variation and also to learn Sumo and compare how it works for me. No planned competing in the next 6 months, possibly aim for first comp next year some time.
Currently I am in week 4 of PB1 second run of it. Top 3 sets for Deadlift are 152.5kg x 6 reps.
Would this be a bad time to introduce Sumo or should I wait until the end of this template run?
Hi Ryan,
Hope all is well down under. :-). There is no problem at all in introducing sumo to your training, and I would not expect this to either hurt or hinder your recovery and progress, in the long term. As it’s a novel movement, you might see a slight dip in DL weights compared to your conventional DL. I would also suggest sticking with each variation for a block (4-6 weeks or so) or a full template run. This allows you to train this variation with more time and focus and I find it makes tracking and assessing your progress a bit simpler (and you’re less likely to be swayed by the work of the previous week’s variation when trying to gauge your current RPE).
As to when to start it, you could do that now, provided you’re using RPE to determine the load (as in not using only the calculator) and provided you want to do it.