I’m reposting this as I think I put it in the wrong forum originally and it didn’t get a response.
I’ve run a number of your programs and am running PB I for the second time right now. Powerlifting is definitely my primary form of exercise, but I also love pickup basketball. Issue is, I turn or sprain my ankle incredibly easily. I’ve had a number of very bad sprains over the years, but now I just frequently turn my ankle and haven’t had a bad sprain in years (knock on wood). It’s gotten to the point where even when I’m on uneven hikes I’ll my ankle.
I’m dedicated to doing whatever I need to do to get my ankles strong and stable. I’m not currently in pain and don’t have ROM limitations, in fact most of my ligament issues (of which I have many) stem from my hypermobility. What types of exercises would you recommend to stabilize my ankle in general, but also specifically for basketball?
Based on the info you’ve supplied here, unlikely I would recommend anything beyond playing basketball to tolerance and doing lower extremity resistance training exercises.