Got a question about arm training volume when moving from the Bodybuilding Template to 7-week GPP Hypertrophy, Hypertrophy 1, or Powerbuilding 1, for example. Upon finishing block 3 of BB, I will have been doing 6 sets of 12 and 3 sets of 15 2x/week on the two chosen exercises for both biceps and triceps. When starting a new template, the arm volume typically goes down again and then ramps back up over the duration of the template…all of which you aware. So, should my arm training follow these same undulations as new templates are started? Or should I continue to add sets from where I finished up BB template? Stay at the peak volume of BB template and just look to progress the load? More generally, what would be needed to continue to drive arm hypertrophy once the volume at the end of the BB template has become the status quo, so to speak? Thanks in advance.