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Helloo docs,
Let me remind you of my case again (and again :smile:)

I’ve had for a long long time,like 5 years, a discomfort in my thoracic area with click and pops when i breathe and some days pain across the ribs in the right side(this winter the symptoms got worse because I’ve scared myself.The past 4 years I simply didnt care).The weird think is that the pain is click and pop dependent.When the click and pops are centered in my T7-T9 area i feel pain or better a discomfort only in a spot inside my spine.When the clicks and pops are more to the right side i feel pain across the ribs.Also,I am starting to think that this is a scapular problem because when i feel this discomfort/spot in the spine i bring my scapulars down across the ribs like a lat pulldown and the texture of this discomfort changes,like it gets looser.The scapula think might explain that i got great relief from overheadpresses and rows.

Docs diagnosis:First doc which i went(a year ago) because i was deadlifting with crappy form and i took a breathe,then the click happend and felt like a rupture with no pain but with greater discomforttold me this is because of my kyphotic posture(ribs overlap with each other) and prescribed me a thoracic extension stretch which actually worked and fixed the discomfort like 90% percent(nowdays this thing doesnt work).
Second doc :I went after 9 months because i’ve scared myself one day with the ribs pain.Got an Mri which showed 2 bulges in T7-T8,T8-T9 but the doc said just some physios and you’ll be ok.
Third doc:I went because,after the 2nd doc,I’ve tried to deadlift and this discomfort pain in my spine got bigger.He saw the MRI ,said this is nothing(the bulges are small) and if I get hit by a car we might start carrying about them.His diagnosis was that I had a minor scoliosis(got an xray) and my right erector in that T7-T9 aera is bigger.He didnt know much about strength training.He prescribed me physios.The PT which he cooperates told me that i am free to continue to run any program in the gym(and said that i must do it) and that he will give me every session a work out to do at home for my issue,for a period of time.

My progress with this issue didnt come gradually.Let me explain it.I was at my worse during winter but i wasnt getting worse or better with training.One day,after 3 months i’ve changed the position of my neck during overhead and this discomfort in my spine vanished like 80%.After a month when i was doing rows the discomfort in my ribs vanished too like 80%.Nowadays , i still have two kinds of pain.One in the center of the spine and the other across the ribs.And as i said this discomfort in the spine gets looser with scapula movement.

Training:4 days: A:squat,deads,bench B:squat,rows,overhead.I run this like A B A B.I start with 3x5 and every week i up the volume with one more added set until i reach 5x5.When i reach 5x5, the next week i will return to 3x5 and add 5kg and run it again until 5x5.Also, there are weeks that i up the volume with gpp days and track work.In the winter, during training my issue wasnt getting better or worse.Nowdays during training it is getting better.

Other factors:Male,Height:170cm,:Weight:68kg

I do not have something to ask.I wrote again just for general advices.Thanks a lot for the support.

P.S.1:Sorry for my English.
P.S.2:The funny thing is that I’ve made the best gains of my life during this issue.

I do not have something to ask.I wrote again just for general advices.Thanks a lot for the support.

P.S.2:The funny thing is that I’ve made the best gains of my life during this issue.

Hi cwstas. I do not have any additional advice beyond what we have suggested in prior threads. I would continue training, and reading/learning from the resources we have shared on this forum about pain. I don’t see a reason to continue getting additional doctors’ opinions on this.

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