First of all,thank you all for the support that you’ve shown.Let me remind you about my situation:thoracic bulges T7-79,mild scoliosis,clicks and pops of that area with breath.As far as pain,I had two separate days of pain(also, this didnt started with an accute injury).Some days the pain was localized like a needle in T7-T9,and the other, all my right side was in some kind of pain.The funny thing is that the days which all my right side was in pain,i could twist the other way around, feel something moving and all of a sudden the pain was localized in T7-T9(i couldnt do the reverse from T7-T9 pain to my right side pain).Doc said you need stronger back (but he didnt now much about strength training) and PT(who the doc send me) told me to keep training without fear.Well,as you know I kept training but with fear .
And here we are 3 months later.One day while i was overhead pressing(and having discomfort localized in T7-T9) I changed my neck possition and all of a sudden the needle disapeared (90% of it).And a week later the second kind of pain became less.Now, I am mostly pain free but i still have the click and pops and some discomfort.Its like pressure builing up in that area and when i breathe it pops.Also when i overextened the thoracic spine (etc deadlift,chest up)that spot is uncomfortable.
All in all, pain is less.Still, some fear for the thoracic bulges but i am trying to deal with it.
Thank you again.