Beginner Template and Exercise Variation

@Jordan_Feigenbaum Apologies for the unclear question in the last thread. To clarify:

The Beginner Template doesn’t allow for intra-week exercise variation in Block I, but you mentioned you’d prefer it at least for the user who was feeling beat up by it. Is variation in Block I something you’d make as a broad recommendation to all new lifters or those returning from time off, and is that a tweak that will end up in the program eventually (I assume it would be easier to do when the Android app is released but I may be wrong here)?


My personal preference is for people to have significant variation in their exercise selection whether they’re beat up or not, new or trained, etc. I originally programmed Block I in this manner, but modified it targeting new people who have never lifted before- hopefully making it a bit easier to understand. I figured that people who were using it to return from some time off would modify it as they see fit.

Gotcha, good to know, was just wondering as to the rationale but for newer lifters that makes sense, easy to be intimidated by analysis paralysis if there are too many options for things.

Yea, that may or may not be true in practice, but we’re thinking along the same lines here.