I’m about to begin Phase 3 on the Beginner Template tomorrow and was wondering if I could incorporate one forearm and one calf exercise in the GPP days (and continue doing them in the future templates). It wouldn’t significantly improve my existing adherence to the program (which I’m enjoying very much as it is), but I don’t want to leave any gains, even if tiny, on the table. Big forearms are very appealing to me. What are your recommendations on exercise type and progression method?
Also, in Phase 3, GPP arm and back work is prescribed on a time cap basis. However, I like the straight sets x reps format. Can I continue to do it this way and add one more set for each exercise?
I would not recommend adding more training to the Beginner Template and I don’t think additional calf or forearm training would be advisable for that program. There are many exercises that would work for this, but if you’re on the beginner template then I think we can wait on this.
I would do the time priority basis as described in the template so as to help control for training stress.
I used to over on the Starting Strength forums- I had about 7 years of training and nearly thousands of posts that got deleted after we separated. That was a bummer. Never got into after that. Maybe this is a sign that I should!