Hi Jordan/Austin,
I have a question about the exercise selection for phase 2 of the beginner template. After the deadlift on the third day, I find it very difficult to do a decent overhead press and I find myself at RPE10 with a weight that would normally be a RPE7. How can I get around this problem?
greetings, Luigi
Hi Luigi,
I would first try reducing the load on deadlifts. “Sending it” (as the kids say) on deadlifts can definitely carry over to the following exercises. Since we don’t need to max out each week in order to test strength, we have some wiggle room there. I’d try 5% lighter on pulls and see if that jibes with the prescribed RPE. If that’s all well and good and you still get this experience, I would lower the load on presses. Task performance is specific to the context and environment. For example, many people’s best squat, bench, and deadlift performances don’t occur in a meet. Similarly, you wouldn’t predict your best press performance at the end of the week after some heavy pulls, though sometimes the fitness adaptations we’ve accrued outdo the fatigue!