Beginner Template - When to move on?

Hey BBM crew,

In the beginner template you write:

[…] our default recommendation for progressing the resistance training elements of The Beginner Template is to add weight to the selected exercises each week. When this is no longer possible for two or more exercises, we recommend moving on […]

I’m not 100% sure, I got that right, so here’s the question:

Do I need to stall on all three slots (4rep, 8rep, 10rep) of a specific exercise to call it “stalled” or is it enough to let’s say still make progress in the 8- and 10rep slots, but not in the 4rep slot to define an exercise as “stalled”?

Best Regards,


We mention in the template (and prescription) that two or more exercises are failing to progress, we’d recommend moving onto the next phase. This would be any slot theoretically, as any importance we place on one rep range is arbitrary. That said, if I was running the template I’d use my progress on the 4-rep slot as my management barometer.
