Bench Press volume in Powerbuilding I

Hi Jordan!

Just finished Week 9 of the Strength I template. Making incredible gains to be honest, could not ask for more! Many thanks to you, Austin, and everyone else at BM for making these templates.

I just purchased Powerbuilding I; I will be doing this template after I’m done with Strength I. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Bench Press volume seems lower than in Strength I. Will this affect the gainzZz? My Bench Press is skyrocketing, and I suspect this is due to the frequency of BP’ing that I’m doing now, so if Powerbuilding I had less Benching as it appears to, I’m afraid it will hinder progress…

Also, I’ve heard you say that once you reach the “post-novice” phase you can’t train the OHP and BP simultaneously and make significant gains in both, yet it appears that is precisely what we do in the Powerbuilding I template. Is there a rationale for this?


Thanks for the post and for joining the forum. Happy to have you aboard :slight_smile:

As far as the Powerbuilding template vs Strength I, the former puts a bit more emphasis on hypertrophy than the latter. The overall pressing volume is actually higher in PBI, though you’re correct there’s less specifically for the bench press. While I think you’ll be fine either way, my question would be if you’re getting great results…why change the program you’re on?

Next, I did say I don’t think you can train the OHP and BP simultaneously for 1RM strength, which is why you don’t see that in our strength programs designed for that purpose. That said, I use the press frequently as a developmental or hypertrophy-focused exercise in some blocks.


Hi Jordan, thanks for the quick response and the warm welcome. Before Strength I, I did Starting Strength followed by the Bridge 1.0. I’m done with Strength I at the end of March, and will get right into PBI. I thought I was supposed to do a Hypertrophy-focused program, or at least a hybrid thereof such as PBI, after having done so much strength-focused programming?

You don’t have to. If you’re responding well, carry on my friend.

Just did the Day 1 workout of Week 10. Go figure; while my Squat and Deadlift progressed just as I had hoped; after assessing the RPE of my warmup sets, my TnG BP e1RM only went up 1 pound.

If for the remainder of the program my bench is stuck but I still see progress on the Squat and Deadlift, would starting PB1 after the Strength I block is finished be a wise decision? To put it in perspective, my TnG Bench e1RM has increased 53 pounds since Week 1 while maintaining a 186lb bodyweight. That said, not only is it reasonable for me to expect the gainzZz to slow like this…your templates are the truth Jordan. I want all of them.


So, I don’t think I would necessarily recommend powerbuilding I if you’re looking for the most strength gain possible on the big 3. That said, you could run it between strength cycles and see how you do- that’s certainly reasonable. Also, 53lbs up on your bench is disgusting dude…lol. I’d say that’s pretty good and if you’re leveling off for a few weeks, I wouldn’t stress about that tbh.


Thank you sir; I will say that I have been doing a body recomp since starting Strength I. I’ve lost a pound over 10 weeks; aren’t you supposed to do PBI or a Hypertrophy template if you are losing weight, even if very gradually like I am?

That is a reasonable choice, but you could also do a strength program while on a deficit :slight_smile:


That is a reasonable choice, but you could also do a strength program while on a deficit :slight_smile:


From Strength I Template Page:

With that being said, if you’re trying to lose a significant amount of weight and do not have a powerlifting meet coming up, we’d recommend running the Powerbuilding I template instead.

What is considered a significant amount of weight?