Lately ive been working up to benchmarks for my comp lifts, then gauging where to go from there. in the past i would alter my warmups based on the weight i wanted/planned to hit. now, for example when comp squat i will warmup up to 365x1, and depending on speed and RPE I will either call it there, or go up to 385. In theory, if 385 moves well and i havent hit my rpe, i could jump again but it would have to be to 405. that way it keeps me honest with my rpe and keeps fatigue in check bc no way am i attempting 405 if 385 was tough.
what are your thoughts on having benchmarks like this? is mandatory larger jumps (10-20lbs) smart in that it may keep you honest, or is it going to supress gains by not allow smaller jumps?
thanks doc