Best deadlift variation for non-competitive lifter

Hello, got the following questions after discovering that plates in my gym are smaller diameter than usual.(which forces me to sumo DL to be able to pull of the floor with straight back)
What constitues the best version of the given lift? Amount of weight lifted or ROM? Which has better effect on the outcomes in terms of strength/hypertrophy?
For example:
Is there any benefit to making the deficit version of deadlift (longer ROM than usual, less weight) or rack pull (more weight, less ROM) the main lift for the lifter who doesn’t compete?
I am aware of SS method for selecting the best lifts, but I don’t think it’s conclusive in this example (atleast not to my knowledge).
Thank you.

Heavier loads tend to have more effect on strength in the short term.

Moderate loads tend to allow higher training volumes, which have more effect on hypertrophy in the short term.

A combination of both is needed over the long term.

For this reason, there is no “best deadlift variation” that will be applicable forever, and this is why we would not make significant changes to our long-term programming recommendations for someone just because they aren’t planning to compete.

You either want to get as strong as you can get, or you don’t - and whether you step onto a competition platform doesn’t change the approach towards that goal.

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