So this very well might be the dumbest thing you read here this week, but my coworker challenged me to a deadlift-off and I had no other choice than to accept in front of the entire office with my pride on the line. People know I lift and Im kinda strongish so as you can imagine I have a lot of pressure on me to win…
I would like to ask you guys to possibly give me some advice on what kind of a training split I can follow for the next 3 months that heavily focuses on deadlifting and variations of it, while mostly sidelining the other lifts. Maybe increasing the pull volume on the old strength templates?
Im currently doing the GS&C II program, although I wanted to switch to more powerlifting style programs as ii wont be competing (bjj) in the next few months anyway.
I’d favor Powerbuilding III, Strength III, or Low Fatigue template, though it depends what your current level of fitness is and how much you can train. I would not generally add pulling volume to any of our templates for this purpose. Instead, I’d be moving the hinge variants to a higher priority in the schedule while reducing some of the squat training load.
Example (PB III)
Day 1 mods: move squat to movement #3 and remove single rep efforts when programmed + move DL variant to movement #1
Day 4 mods: replace row variation (movement #2) with lighter, technique focused DL
Example (Strength III)
Day 1/2 mods: swap comp squat from day 1 and comp DL from day 2 so you deadlift on day 1. Swap movement # 3 (squat) from day 2 and movement #3 from day 4 (deadlift), so that you squat, bench, and DL on day 2.
Day 3/4 mods: Swap movement # 1 on both days, so you DL first after the mid-week day off
Additional mods: no singles on squats
We can also build you a custom program for the next 12 weeks if that’s something of interest