This is my 3rd meet coming up on April 7th. And just like the last 2 times I’m getting bicep pain again in the start of the peak. It’s flares up when the weight gets heavy during benching and hurts for a couple of days after.
Could it it just be extreme fatigue? It’s littereally the same thing as the last 2 times. Doing all the volume during the “off season” I don’t get any pain like this. Just weird.
How did you manage it the previous 2 times? Obviously you are going to have to modify the variables either weight, reps or frequency of pressing. What did you change last time and how did you perform?
It bothered me during the meet too. I preformed ok but just felt with the pain. Went away the week after the meet when I was totally recovered.
I skipped per this weeks arms for the second half of the week and back accessories just to give my arms a break. Thankfully this week has no arm work. Going to see how benching goes tomorrow for touch and go and if it’s ok I’ll do the 2ct paused bench but if it’s killing me I’m going to quit the 2ct bench and call it a day
Update - Bicep pain went away at the time of my meet. However, so did my strength. I could hit 315 regularly in the gym as a single with a nice pause prior. Couldn’t even move 314 off my chest meet day.
@bobbydontchaknow thanks for the update. Sorry to hear about the meet difficulties. As you know, meet day execution of lifts is a different ball game in of itself so it would be somewhat difficult to assign all of what you are reporting to a bicipital issue. With that said, now is the time to figure out appropriate dosage to the area and work through this before ramping into another strength block for another meet. Happy to help guide this path if need be.
Thanks Michael! ill keep that in mind next time around. I think what i would do differently this time around is back off on the bicep work through the strength block to not over fatigue the muscle. Thanks again!