Good Afternoon, I am currently on week 5 of the 12 week strength template. I don’t have a rack at my gym that can accommodate the floor press because the safeties in the 1/2 rack are angled backwards, so me and my lift partner decided to do 2 board (3") bench press instead. On Monday I did a 1ct paused comp bench at 275 and although the rep was admittedly more like a 9.5, it felt smooth and I never had a doubt in whether or not is was going to go. Today durning my board press attempt, I proceeded through my warm ups from empty bar, 135, 185, 225 and 245. I put 275 on the bar and for 2 attempts, as soon as it touched the board it felt glued, like I had 0 strength to budge the bar at this point whatsoever. I have never done board press before, but I assumed that the shorter range of motion would allow you to press more weight? What would this tell me about my bench press that my comp bench is higher then my 2 board press. Is there a possible weakness that I should be giving more attention. Thanks for the help and all the great content.
You had never done a board press before, so there was likely a skill deficit that should improve with practice. You can’t confidently say that your comp bench is higher than your 2-board press when you’ve only done the board press once.
Thanks for the reply, Austin.