Bodybuilding template questions

Hello BBM,

As always thanks for all your help and wonderful content.

A question on how to proceed with the bodybuilding template.

Just finished bodybuilding phase 1 and thoroughly enjoyed it (with what I feel were decent results) .

My question is, if I progress to phase 2:

Do I have to stick to the same exercise choices?
am I at liberty to change it up a bit?
(As a side note I am not in a position to make big changes as I don’t have access to machines because I train at home) .

Also, if my goals are hypertrophy and to improve general health, does it make sense progressing to phase 2?
or should I run something like powerbuilding?
Apologise in advance if the question is a unclear.
Thanks again.


You can pick whatever exercises you like/have access to. I think if you finished phase I, you should move onto phase II if you enjoyed this type of programming.


Many thanks Jordan.