Hello - I am assuming that the exercises prescribed for each day are purposeful in the order in which they should be performed. For example, day 1 being squat, close grip bench, and rack pulls. Are their detrimental factors I should be considering if I need to switch up the order, such as to close grip bench, squats, then rack pulls? I generally don’t have to wait for equipment, but occasionally if I get to the gym later than planned there may only be benches open when I get there, with the squat racks opening up later. Are there any measurable disadvantages if on occasion I need to change up the order of a day’s prescribed exercises? Thank you.
This happend to my once or twice when I ran the bridge. I think it’s ok.
There is a method to the order. It’s going to consider fatigue and how that exercise fits with the goals of the program.
However, if you need to wait for equipment on occasion I’d definately swap. It’s unlikely doing this now and again and randomly would have any noticeable effect on your training (unless you were a highly competitive powelifter and then, still maybe not). There are things that matter so very much more than changing exercise order on occasion.
I could imagine not changing the order would be worse because you’d be wasting time and may become frustrated with the program.
I’d still try to keep the order as best you can though (i.e. swap 1s for 2s not 1s for 3s) and be more aware of your RPE on the exercise that was swapped, you may be more fatigued than last week when you come to do them second instead of first.