Bridge 2.0 Bicep/Tricep Work

Starting the Bridge 2.0 next week and I have a quick question. for the bonus arm work, what’s the RPE for the sets of 12 reps on bicep curls and tricpe pushdowns?

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No RPE per se. Just do 3 sets of 12 reps. Bro-science it bro ;).
Seriously, it is simply volume accumulation so RPE is less of a factor. Do three sets of 12 with a weight that is challenging, but not brutal. Then, I believe, it increases by way of number of sets: i.e. to 4 sets for a few weeks then to 5 sets.

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In the 2.0 templates he states to do them @8. Though, it’s arm work so really doesn’t need to be totally overthought. Shhh, don’t tell anyone but I sometimes go to, or close to, failure on arm isolation work :wink:

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Good to know. I plan to start bridge 2.0 after the bridge. I’m currently only on week 3 but I have a feeling I’ll end up stronger and better by the end. Then 2.0 brings back in some arm work so i can try to get my 17 inch armzz to 18 inchers’. That would be nice

@ericjspencley dude this is EXACTLY what I’m experiencing right now. It’s almost like you were sent back from the future to tell me this haha. I was not doing SS prior to starting the bridge. I was doing a 4x6 in a linear fashion with a bunch of upper body bodybuilding assistance work and only squatting twice per week for 1x3-5 and deadlifting once a week for 1x5. I waited 4 minutes between all sets. Then I switched to a 5x3 on upper body because I was dumb and wanted to lift heavier thinking it equaled better. For this reason I think the volume and frequency of pressing and benching I did in the past may be more than there is on the bridge now. I don’t know how it’s gonna play out (especially since I switched to 1ct. Pause bench so I am not as strong with it as opposed to tng) with the upper body in terms of great gains but I’m hopeful.

Basically, I started this program with a 320 bench, 215 press, 380 squat and a 475 (easy) dead. Now in week 3 I’m finding my estimated 1rms in the chart starting to creep down a tad from these numbers as I am dropping the weight ever so slightly to try and hit the right RPE. I overshot it a by about 1rpe on everything in the beginning because I’d plug the numbers in and be like “press for 165 x 5@8? No way I’m that weak let’s make it 180 because I’ve done 195x5 a few weeks back and I’ll be damned if I get weaker doing this!” But my work capacity is crap which is another reason I think I’m dropping weights slightly in this week. However I have read that this was the experience with a few others and then by the end of the program they say they ended up stronger when they stuck it out.

I have to check my ego at the door because going from being a decently strong guy in my globo gym benching over 3 plates (felt like I could’ve done 330) to having trouble keeping RPE 8 for sets of 5 at 250 on 1ct pause bench is definitely a kick in the nuts. That puts my e1rm at 309 which is a 10-15lbs drop in my max. But Austin and Jordan are too good and knowledgeable to make a program that isn’t awesome so I trust it.

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