Bridge progress and RPE calculations. Am I doing this correctly?

Hope you’ve all been doing well! A little half way done with the bridge. Making great results, and I am currently approaching week 6 on the bridge. Now I noticed that week 6-8 the intensity and volume changes. For example, the squat has me doing 1 rep @ 8, followed with 4 reps @ 8 x 3.

  1. For week 5, it had me doing squats at 4 reps @ 6, 7, and @ 8 x 3. I went:

325 @ 6.5,
340 @ 7,
355 @ 8 x 2
355 @ 9

According to using the RPE scale, I calculated my E1RM with 355 @ 8 giving me ~422 lbs. Now going into week 6, by using the RPE scale, 422 x .92 (1 rep @ 8) gives me ~388 lbs for 1 rep @ 8. I guess I’m just freaking out by how much of a jump that is with the weight, that’s why I’m making sure if I’m calculating correctly for that working set. Can you guys confirm?

  1. Now if I’m correct with that calculation, how do I know which weight to jump from 1 @ 8 to 4 @ 8 x 3 sets? Do I just calculate straight from my set 1 @ 8 right away? Or do I go off from 355 @ 8?

  2. For weeks 7 and 8, Do I calculate my weight goal for 1 @ 8 by using week 6’s 1 @ 8? Followed off that, it has me doing 3 reps @ 8. Do I use week 6’s 4 @ 8 to calculate?

  3. Since the number of reps aren’t the same through all working sets, how many reps should I be warming up when approaching this different kind of intensity and volume? (First working set being 1 @ 8).

Again thank you guys for all the help. If I’m missing any other information, or if you’re confused with any of my questions, please let me know and I’ll do my best to clarify. Thank you!



Hey Sean,

  1. Yes, 388 for a single would be the correct estimate. I’d do something like 355 x 1 then 375 x 1 and see how that feels. You may find the predicted number to be a little off for the first time you do a single.

  2. Use the calculator based on the single you rate @8. If it was 375 x 1 @ 8, then you’d do 4 @ 8 based on that single (which would be 340). That said, 355 x 4 @ 9 spits out 411 for a 1RM and then 380 for 1 @ 8.

  3. I don’t understand this question. You’re trying to drive the number up each week ideally in order to provide the correct amount of stress. If you did 380 x 1 @ 8, the plan should be to do 385 x 1 @ 8 the following week unless something markedly changes, thereby driving your e1RM up each week.

  4. For 1 @ 8, 4 @ 8, I’d warm up by doing 4’s until i get about 10% off my planned single, then do a single there, then one more single at my planned weight.

This interests me.

I usually warm up for my 1@8 using a protocol of 30% E1RM for 5, 45% for 3, 60% for 1, 72% for 1, 82% for 1, then my planned RPE 7 for a single. This is more in line with what I’d do at a meet for warm ups so I thought at least for comp lifts it makes some sense to warm up this way.

The first set of multiple reps after the single is usually a bit harder than subsequent sets but it’s not been a huge deal.

We’re probably picking at nits here, but what’s your opinion on the warm up protocol you detailed vs the one I detailed?