Butt wink

Hi Jordan,

the latest form check video has a lot of observations about lower back rounding during the squat. Is squeezing the low back into extension something you would cue similar to in the deadlift? Thanks!

Yes, though it is generally easier to “over extend” the lumbar spine in the squat compared to the deadlift for most. In essence, you can have most people extend their back as hard as possible in the deadlift and they will not/cannot attain an over extended position, whereas it’s quite easy to do in the squat.

Thanks overextension was my concern before too. Gonna try out on Monday and see if squat feels more stable/strong

Think it went well, other then I really have to focus on knees out cue to keep from sitting back, and definitely ‘felt’ it in my lower back but not necessarily in a harmful way. Will keep at it and possibly call the #liftsupport help line here