Can I switch from lbs to kg in the app?

Like the title says, my gym has both lbs and kg plates. I see in the app, I can switch from lbs to kg. My question is, will this mess anything up in my training history? And, Can I easily switch to kg for deadlifts, then, in the same session, switch back to lbs for the rest of my session? Sometimes, my only option is the kg deadlift platform, or the kg squat rack. Doing the math is unnecessarily difficult. Everyth8ng else in the gym is lbs.

id just try it and see, but I’m worried it might reset my history or something.

thank you

I don’t have a definitive answer off the top of my head, though I’m sure I’ve changed units a number of times personally. I’ll ask to see if I can get you an answer.

As a follow-up, I went ahead and tried it. Here’s what happened. I switched to KG in the app for my deadlifts. When that was finished I went to the Home Screen and switched it to LBS. The deadlifts stayed in KG, and everything else worked fine in LBS.

While this worked ok, the ideal scenario would be the deadlift KG weights would automatically change to LBS when I change to LBS in the app. Next time I do deadlifts in LBS, when I view history, it’s going to show some sessions in LBS and some in KG. The math backwards and forwards is going to drive me crazy. But, at least I can work in both modes in the same session.

Thank you

Copy that. Thanks for the update. Sorry I couldn’t get an answer to you sooner.

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