Can I train with a (potentially) broken toe?


Yesterday during my workout I dropped a 10 kg plate on the floor which then jumped onto my toe. Intially it hurt quite a bit but I continued my workout and felt fine until I got home which is when I noticed my toe was slightly swolen and red (Not the whole toe, but only the area where the weight fell on my toe).

I wanted to know whether an injury like this is something that I need to get checked out at a doctor and maybe do an X-Ray to see if it is really broken, or whether there isn’t much you can do either way about this injury.

Additionally, I wanted to know whether I could keep on training as usual, or would it not be a good idea to do squats and deadlifts for example?

Thanks in advance!

I have no medical expertise and am only a novice lifter so I can’t give you anything even close to an informed opinion.

Anecdotally though, I can tell you that I broke my big toe about 4 months ago. Didn’t go to a Dr and was able to continue squatting and deadlifting as normal. Only real change I made to my routine was cycling instead of running for cardio. The toe healed up after about 3-4 weeks and I’ve not noticed any issues since.

Take that for what its worth and hope you get a response from one of the better informed members.

If you can bear weight on it you are likely fine to continue training.

Great, i’ll try and see what I can tolerate during my next workout.

Thanks for the help!