Cizer's Training Log

Howdy Yall. Glad to be here and excited to work through some of the BBM programming. Loving the Bridge so far, and purchased a few other templates.

First training log I’ve posted online. Figure it’s better than looking back over my chicken-scratch paper notebooks that I keep losing.

Background on this dude

35 year old male. 6’1’’ 203lbs, 36" waist. Healthy beard (.35 Alan Thralls). Type 1 diabetic since November 2018: this isn’t really that big a deal, but I figure I’ll post it in case anyone else has a shitty pancreas like me or is interested in seeing how it all works. In short, I can say weight training has made my type 1 diabetes much easier to manage compared to my previous emphasis on endurance training. My blood glucose is well controlled with basal/bolus insulin and monitoring with a Libre CGM. I try to keep my a1c around 5-5.5.

Starting e1RMs:

Squat: 350lbs
Deadlift: 345lbs
Press: 160lbs
Bench Press: 225lbs

Lifting History

Before weight training, for the last decade or so, I’d been an amateur competitive cyclist and avid mountaineer. I’d dabble with some barbells and kettlebells here and there (along with yoga and jogging…shudder), but nothing with a real goal or programming in mind. Read through “Training for the New Alpinism” over the winter in 2019 and started squatting and deadlifting heavier things. I enjoyed it quite a bit and went looking for some real programming. Found Starting Strength, bought then read the book, and started “the program” on June 12, 2019 at 182lbs

I had good progress for three months on Starting Strength linear progression. It instilled some good discipline around eating more, as the squats would start to get nasty with a calorie deficit. I stayed pretty diligent on recovery, diet, and sleep. Did a couple resets on press and bench press and squished out a little more progress there. Stalled on deadlift a couple weeks later and decided to move on to some new programming as I was starting to feel pretty beat up and the squat working sets were always grinders. I’m sure I could have smashed some more food into my piehole and stretched out the gainzz here on LP, but I was looking to incorporate some more GPP into my programming. At any rate, here are my linear progression results:

Beginning of SSLP (06/12/2019) Finish of SSLP (09/06/2019)
Squat 145 5x3 295 5x3
Deadlift 185x5 295x5
Press 95 5x3 137.5 5x3
Bench Press 115 5x3 195 5x3
Power Clean (loved PCs) 105 3x5 185 3x5
Bodyweight 182lbs 202lbs

Around this time, I came across Alan Thrall’s videos as I was having some nasty elbow tendinitis with thumbless squat grip. Found his excellent video on grip adjustments which lead me down the Barbell Medicine rabbit hole. I downloaded the Bridge 1.0 and started on September 9, 2019.

First Week (and one day of week 2) of The Bridge 1.0

Week 1 Day 1
Squat w/ belt 270x5@6, 285x5@7, 295x5@8
CGBP 165x4@7, 175x4@8, 185x4@9
Rack Pull 225x7@6, 240x7@7, 255x7@8

Week 1 Day 3
2ct Paused Squat 205x4@7, 225x4@8, 245x4@9
Press 115x5@6, 125x5@7, 135x5@8
Rows 105x8@6, 115x8@7, 125x8@8, 130x8@8

Week 1 Day 4
5 planks for 60-90 minutes over 7 minutes
Chinups/pullups over 7 minutes (33 reps)
30 minute bike ride (hauling 3 year old in trailer back from preschool)

Week 1 Day 5
Deadlift 255x5@6, 265x5@7, 285x5@8
Comp Bench 160x5@6, 170x5@7, 185x5@8
303 Squat 145x8@6, 155x8@7, 165x8@8

Week 2 Day 1
Squat w/ belt 265x5@6, 280x5@7, 295x5@8, 300x5@8, 300x5@8
CGBP 165x4@7, 180x4@8, 190x4@9, 190x4@9
Rack Pull 225x7@6, 245x7@7, 260x7@8, 260x7@8

Alrighty, off to go knock out those pause squats and press. Will post workout later this evening!

Week 2 Day 3
BW: 203lbs
2ct Pause Squat 210x4@7, 230x4@8, 250x4@9, 255x4@9
Press w/ belt 115x5@6, 125x5@7, 130x5@8, 130x5@8, 130x5@8, 130x5@8
Rows 115x8@6, 125x8@7, 130x8@8, 135x8@8, 135x8@8

Pause squats felt great, could have maybe pushed 260-265 but I’m cautious about overshooting RPE. Press volume feels great. Doing rows pretty strictly off floor with minimal knee/hip action. Excited for some GPP tomorrow.

Week 2 Day 4
Ab stuff: 1 90 second plank, 60 second side plankx2, 1 60 second plank, 3-4 second hanging L-sit x5
Arm and back stuff: alternating chins and pullups over 7 minutes (35 reps)
Heart blood pumping stuff: 40 minute bike ride (20 minutes hauling the tot in the trailer up mild hills)

-Hanging l-sit are hard as shit but nice. Will keep working on those.
-Back felt pretty cooked from yesterday’s row, but still got in more reps than last week. Max set is still a piddly 7 with lots of 5s following.
-Biking the kid to and from preschool is my LISS jam. Get to listen to some killer music with her on the ride. Today was Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Week 2 Day 5
BW: 203lbs
Deadlift 255x5@6, 265x5@7, 275x5@8, 280x5@8, 280x5@8
Comp Bench 165x5@6, 170x5@7, 175x5@8, 180x5@8, 180x5@8, 175x5@8
303 Squat 150x8@6, 160x8@7, 170x8@8, 175x8@8

303 squats…I hate you but I love you. So hard by the last set on short-ish rest but rewarding

Week 3 Day 1
BW: 203lbs
Squat w/ belt 270 5@6, 285, 5@7, 300 5@8, 300 5@8, 305 5@8
CGP 175 4@7, 185 4@8, 195 4@9, 195 4@9
Rack pull 235 7@7, 255 7@8, 270 7@9, 275 7@9

-Squat felt a little grindy and slow, though I still felt like a real RPE8. Kinda busy weekend with poor sleep on Saturday.

-CGP felt great and spot on for RPE, nice progress here.
-For rack pulls I stopped being a do-do doing them in lifting shoes and switched to flats (Converse All-Stars). Felt nicer and kept the knees out of the way a little more; I have long legs that are always getting in the way!

Week 3 Day 3
BW 205
2ct Pause Squat 225 4@7, 240 4@8, 255 4@9, 260 4@9
Press 120 5@6, 127.5 5@7, 135 5@8x3, 130 5@8
Rows 125 8@6, 135 8@7, 145 8@8x2, 150 8@8

Got tired of soles delaminating from my Do-wins (running out of super glue) and got a pair of Position R1s today. Felt pretty great so far. Trying to keep calories at maintenance and keeping waist at 36".

Week 3 Day 4
Ab stuff: 1 120 second plank, 60 second side plankx2, 1 60 second plank, 3-4 second hanging L-sit x5
Arm and back stuff: alternating chins and pullups over 7 minutes (35 reps)
Heart blood pumping stuff: 25 minute jog! (sacrebleu)

Week 3 Day 5
BW 207
Deadlift 255x5@6, 265x5@7, 275x5@8x3
Comp Bench 165x5@6, 170x5@7, 180x5@8x4
303 Squat 135x8@7, 160x8@8, 165x8@9, 170x8@9

Short rest between sets (3-4 minutes on Deadlift and Bench, 2-3 minutes on tempo squat) because I had to catch a flight. Tempo squat on short rest was…exhilarating. Back felt pretty smoked for some reason, so deadlift was a little rough. Bench felt tighter and smoother than usual.

Week 4 Day 1
BW: 204lbs
Squat w/ belt 260 5@6, 280, 5@7, 300 5@8, 305 5@8, 300 5@8, 305 5@8
CGP 175 4@7, 185 4@8, 195 4@9, 200 4@9x2
Rack pull 235 7@7, 255 7@8, 275 7@9, 285 7@9

-Squat felt better than last week. Took a bit to warm up, but 300 went well. Last set I good-morninged a little on the last 2 reps; otherwise, form felt much better than the end of SSLP sets.
-CGP still feeling good. Some more nice progress.
-Got straps for rack pulls. They took a little getting used to but helped. Back felt pretty smoked after these.

Week 4 Day 3
BW 205
2ct Pause Squat 230 4@7, 245 4@8, 255 4@9, 260 4@9x2
Press 120 5@6, 127.5 5@7, 135 5@8x3, 130 5@8
Rows 135 8@6, 145 8@7, 150 8@8x3, 155 8@8

-Belt-free paused squats feel great and are helping me dial in form. They’re keeping me from rocking forward at the bottom of squat.
-Press is holding steady which is about what I would expect without gaining weight.
-Rows felt pretty good; back feels better than last week.

Week 4 Day 4
GPP involved shoveling several yards of gravel and bark chips for a few hours, helping out on a garden project.

Week 4 Day 5
BW 204
Deadlift 245x5@6, 260x5@7, 275x5@8, 280x5@8, 285x5@8
Comp Bench 170x5@6, 175x5@7, 180x5@8, 185x5@8x3, 180x5@8
303 Squat 150x8@6, 160x8@7, 170x8@8x2

I’ve been fighting a cold the last couple of days. I thought I would have a shitty gym day, but things went pretty well. Deadlifts are still just hanging around, but bench is feeling good.

Week 5 Day 1
BW: 205lbs
Squat w/ belt 275 4@6, 290 4@7, 305 4@8, 310 4@8x2
3 count Pause Bench Press 155 4@7, 165 4@8, 175 4@9x2
2 count Pause Deadlift 205 4@7, 225 4@8, 235 4@9x2

Week 5 Day 3
BW: 204lbs
Pin Squat 205 4@7, 225 4@8, 235 4@9, 240 4@9
Press 125 4@6, 130 4@7, 135 4@8x4, 130 4@8
Rows 135 8@6, 145 8@7, 155 8@8x4

Week 5 Day 4
Ab stuff: planks, v sit, hanging l-sit 7 minutes
Arm and back stuff: max pullups over 7 minutes; opening set of 12 (36 reps)
Heart blood pumping stuff: 30 minute jog

Week 5 Day 5
BW 203
Deadlift 250 4@6, 275 4@7, 285 4@8, 295 4@8, 305 4@8
Comp Bench 175 4@6, 182.5 4@7, 185 4@8, 190 4@8x4
Squat no belt 205 6@7, 225 6@8, 245 6@9, 255 6@9

Deadlift and bench going well again. Squat with no belt felt weird, felt like I should be pausing/tempo squatting. Back kinda fatigued from deadlifts but I suspect that is expected.

Week 5 Day 6
GPP: Surfed for a couple hours then did pull ups for 7 minutes.

Week 6 Day 1
BW: 206lbs
Squat w/ belt 345 1@8, 305 4@8x3
3 count Pause Bench Press 160 3@7, 170 3@8, 180 3@9, 185 3@9x2
2 count Pause Deadlift 225 4@7, 235 4@8, 245 4@9x2

Heavy single was super fun. Felt about like a real RPE 8, Weight went up pretty smoothly, This beats my previous squat PR of 340 (a RPE 10 super grind, good morning-ed monstrosity).
Bench and deadlift accessory work all felt strong.

Week 6 Day 3
BW: 205lbs
Pin Squat 215 3@7, 235 3@8, 245 3@9, 250 3@9x2
Press 150 1@8, 135 4@8, 140 4@8, 135 4@8x2
Rows 145 6@6, 155 6@7, 165 6@8x4

Pin squats felt strong. All time press PR! Not sure if it was a true 8, probably more like a 9-9.5. Rows getting smoother.

Week 6 Day 4
Ab stuff: planks 7 minutes
Arm and back stuff: max pullups/chins over 7 minutes; sets of 6 (38 reps)
Heart blood pumping stuff: 25 minute jog