Combining Templates

Hey BBM team,

I’m currently running PB1 whilst cutting and trying to get back to previous strength levels, and responding well . Following this I want to really focus on upper body hypertrophy but lower body strength.

How would you go about this, would it be as simple as running PL1/2 for lower body and BB1/2 for upper body?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey Rich,

If I’m understanding you correctly, you’re wanting to focus purely on growth for the upper body and purely on strength for the lower body, yes?

If so, I think the easiest option is to to continue running PB1 as-is for the lower body and remove the single-rep efforts for the upper body stuff.

Another option if you’re doing full-body training days is to combine the upper body work from the hypertrophy templates with PB 1. For an upper lower split, you could combine the upper body work from BB 1 or 2 with lower body stuff from PB 1, yes.

That all being said, it’s really hard to separate hypertrophy and strength with resistance training. There’s so much overlap, you know? I’d want to know more about why you want to pursue these specific goals to make sure I’m not missing anything.

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Thanks for the response Jordan,

No real reason I guess, I’d just like to look more muscular in the upper body. Whereas my lower still could do with more muscle, I’m just more interested in having a big squat and deadlift.

Upper body: Primary goal is size, with strength secondary.

Lower body: Primary goal is strength, with size secondary.

The programs I own are PB 1 & 2, and the old 12 week strength.

I’ve just noticed the PL1 isn’t in the templates store, has this been removed?

Copy that. I think the recommendations I made are the direction I’d go.

Powerlifting 1/Strength 1 is here:

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Ok great, thanks Jordan. I thought Strength 1 and Powerlifting 1 were two separate things.

Nope, same set of programs :slight_smile: