I play rugby, so I train at least 2 times a week (sometimes 3 but that’s more of a tactical session) with notorious physical contact and play on weekends.
That forces me to only have available 2 days for heavy lifting (and lower body lifting) with a potential 3 day before match game that should be more upper body accessory work.
I was doing an specific in season rugby template (Dan Baker template with some modifications) but due to some injuries in preseason, I couldn’t acquire the capabilities to properly maintain them. So maintenance became backwards progression in size and strength, power too.
So I was thinking to start strength training not that specific with some more hypertrophy work, and I thought powerbuilding was a good idea (not the ideal). I thought powerbuilding 3 was the best idea due to its lower stress prescription.
I need to compress PB3 into a 5 day but 2 of those days must be for arms/back work (same days I train rugby) and cardio work prescribed is replaced by sports conditioning and performance. And choosing not to do the peaking block (so I use the template like for 10 weeks)
So after thinking this is my version of PB3 compressed (I just name the exercises categories so I don’t spoil the template)
The idea was to share it in order to have a second opinion
Day 1
Main squat
Main bench
Supp deadlift
Acc bench
Acc squat
Side delt hypertrophy
Day 2
Upper back
Day 3
Main deadlift
Supp bench 1
Supp squat
Acc overhead press
Quads hypertrophy
Hams hypertrophy
Day 4
Upper back
Day 5
Main overhead press
Supp bench 2
Acc rows
Rear delt hypertrophy
Wait for some feedback and advice. Thanks