Esteemed Barbell Medicine,
I’ve recently started The Bridge, intending to do Powerbuilding 1 after. This is my first time training with RPE, following a novice linear progression. I’ve finished one week and everything is well and good, but there is one thing I, perhaps foolishly, am confused about.
When it says for example that I should squat for 5 reps @ RPE 6, 5 reps @ RPE 7, 5 reps @ RPE 8 x 3 sets, how should the order of these sets look like? Am I supposed to do:
1 set at RPE 6, followed by 1 set at RPE 7, followed by 1 set at RPE 8, and then back to RPE 6? Or simply 3 sets at RPE 6, then continue to the next 3 sets at RPE 7?
I apologize if this question seems silly to you, but I have never trained anything else than a linear progression, and compared to adding weight to the bar every time I go in this whole setup seems quite complicated to me, even though I am sure it is not.
Thanks for all the great information you offer, you are a truly amazing resource for a new lifter (and I’m sure to experienced ones as well).
All the best from Norway