Firstly, I apologize if this was posted more than one time and in the wrong location. I have never posted to the forum before and was a bit lost.
This is a continuation of a conversation started with Jordan over Facebook and I hope this is the proper channel of communication now.
So over the past two weeks my number on the deadlift.
week 1
Template day 2: heavy single at 93% of e1RM 405lbs RPE 8
4 reps at 375lbs 86% of e1RM PRE 8.5
2 sets of 4 at 350lbs 80% e1RM RPE 8
Everything felt very strong and right in line with what I was anticipating .
Template day 4: 2" deficit single at 395 lbs 91% of e1RM RPE 10 … warm up felt good and strong but my single felt terrible and hard as hell. I’ve never done deficits at this high a weight before.
3 at 375lbs definitely RPE 9.5 Again, just felt like I had no strength
2 sets of 3 at 355lbs RPE 9 these felt a little better.
RDLS, I was feeling totally gassed so I tried 315 and it wouldn’t go so I ended up doing 4 sets of 6 at 225 lbs. Probably could have gone to 255 but was mentally spent.
week 2
Day 2: single at 405lbs 93% felt like a RPE 10, no legs under me.
3 at 385lbs approximately 89% RPE 9.5
2 sets of 3 at 370lbs RPE 9 Again, felt super heavy and very hard to engage for some reason.
Day 4: pretty much the same as the previous week. Same percentages except the 395 was a true grinding 10 on 10 RPE I almost wasn’t sure it was going to come up.
Again, I tried to hit 315 on my RDL’s but it was not happening so I upped the weight from the previous week to 255lbs.
So now, I’m now repeating week 1 and everything went excellent today which is Day 1 on the template… tomorrow will beday 2 of week one.
Before starting the template my numbers were
425 single at RPE 9ish
1X 3 at 405 RPE 9.5
Last heavy working sets were 3x3 at 395 RPE 9
3x5 at 375lbs RPE 9
Nothing has changed in my diet… hitting a minimum of 150 protein… sleep is decent, maybe a bit more stress but nothing crazy. All my other lifts are feeling extremely strong and responding very well.
Deadlift has always felt super strong, so this is throwing me a bit.
Please let me know if I can give you any more information that may help. Thank you so much.