Deadlift up 60lbs after 7 weeks of the General Intermediate Template

Thank you guys so much, honestly.

I plateaued hard on Madcow for years, tried 5/3/1 (got weaker, twice…), western periodization, conjugate, Texas Method (which makes my eyes water thinking about it), everything, gained maybe 10lbs or so, and my strength would fluctuate all the time.

All numbers are up but deadlift has gone up by 60lbs and that’s at an RPE 8. I’ve also gained an inch on my chest and my traps are higher from all the pulling volume so I’m feeling pretty good.

I’ve got one week left of this and then I’m going to repeat the same program with a few variable changes.

Thanks again guys.

Wish I switched to this style of programming years ago.


This is awesome, dude.


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