Differences in hypertrophy outcomes while using a belt vs. beltless

I was wondering if there are any significant differences in hypertrophy outcomes in:

“Squat w/ belt 3x8 @ 8” vs. “Squat, no belt 3x8 @ 8”

You’d probably have more weight on the bar and have a slightly higher core activation while using a belt, but maybe this isn’t so significant in terms of hypertrophy.

I’m guessing if someone isn’t really concerned about training their 1RM and just wants to build muscle size by squatting and deadlifting, there’s really no need to use a belt then, ever. Am I right or wrong here? :slight_smile:


More weight doesn’t produce more hypertrophy.

That said, to be the biggest, baddest, most jacked version of yourself…you’ll probably need a belt at some point in your training.