Do you believe there is a better option over SSLP for a novice?

Recently following the Bridge plan, I’m pretty impressed. According to the Bridge, doesn’t SSLP still have less volume(and tonage) in Deadlift? And much more volume tonage in Squat.

Do you think adding more pulling and less Squat to SSLP is a reasonable option?

I think that there will be better options for general S/C for novice trainees outside of SSLP, but I’m not sure if there should be less squatting and more pulling.

5X1 in Deadlift is still enough for a novice?

Yes, until it isn’t.

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And then you can add some frequency, for example say 2x3 at rpe 7.5 or 8 for your second session in the week. At least I could, with very good results.

I definitely would not reduce the squat in a SSNLP, would I increase the volume of press and bench and pull, yes. The reason the squat is “king” in SSNLP is because you get a lot of volume+frequency and your form gets nice and tight.

You could (almost) ask yourself, why does (almost) everybody get such a nice squat in this program and usually such a disparate result in the other lifts. :),

That’s just my 2.5 cents.