E1RM on 3 day, 7 Week Hypertrophy Template

I was curious if I can expect, if at all, for my 1RM’s to improve on the 7 week hypertrophy program for Bench, Squat, Deadlift, and OHP? Not sure what others have experienced, and I remember reading or hearing either on here or maybe on one of Jordan’s IG live video’s about someone PRing their deadlift while on this program. I just finished The Bridge and am going to do a “low stress” week this week before starting the 7 week hypertrophy program. Just trying to get my expectations in line. I’m looking forward to the new program.

Thanks for any input


You should gain some strength, but it depends on a lot of factors. Your training age, diet, age, and many other things. If all factors are in place, then you should gain some strength. Though, do remember that this is a hypertrophy block, so you’re not doing this to so much to gain strength in this block as you are to set the table for further gains in the future strength block following this.

I came off of the 12 week press template to the hypertrophy template. If I can give a little advice. Don’t get discouraged with the weights you will use compared to a strength block. I had some hang ups on this when I would mentally want to do the same weights I was previously doing for triples for sets of 6. Took a couple of 10/10 RPE sets to realize I was being an idiot.

Your results may vary, it just depends on you. I ran the 3 day hypertrophy right after The Bridge, and all my e1RMs went up, except for squats, which stayed about the same. I would expect them to go up until proven otherwise, but there’s no way to know beforehand exactly how you will respond to it. Afterwards you can assess how it went, and when you’re ready for a hypertrophy block again you can either run it again, run it with modifications, or do the 4 day template instead.