Elbow soreness on tricep extension


My coach just started to put lying tricep extensions into my programming. I was happy about that because I know it will help my bench. I have done them twice (2wks) with only 35lbs because I get elbow soreness in my left elbow. The other elbow is totally fine. My left elbow has always given me issues, even when I lifted back in high school 25 years ago. It’s also my dominant arm, so I guess it gets used more as well. I’ve had nerve issues from time to time over the years in the same elbow.

It’s only sore right at the top of the elbow where the triceps start. Could this just be from weakness? Should I continue to do the same weight until it’s not sore anymore, try a different exercise or just cut them out? The weight I’m doing now is so light that it really does nothing except put stress on the elbow. Maybe it’s good stess? I don’t know. I don’t want it to start messing up my main lifts. I find it odd, but not surprising, that I have not tried this exercise in a very long time and it still gives me problems right away. It’s definitely not an overuse injury from lifting, computer, maybe?

Any suggestions?


Hey Mino,

In this scenario since your main goal is adding strength to the bench press, you have lots of options. I’m assuming the extensions are programmed to maximize hypertrophy of the triceps to help with increasing strength on the bench press. With this in mind, finding a more tolerable exercise variation may be the way to go here, whether it be tricep pulldowns, dips, utilizing a different grip/modifying wrist position, etc. If you enjoy doing lying tricep extensions, you could try utilizing a tempo (3s on the way down, 3s on the way up for example) and/or increasing the rep range used (12-15 reps), which will bring the external load down, keep the internal load (your perception of effort) high, will still meet your goal of stimulating hypertrophy in the triceps, and will help increase your capacity to tolerate load with that exercise.

Hope that helps!

It does, thanks Charlie!