Hi, I’m wondering what equipment is recommended for the new bodybuilding template. I have a home gym with no machines. I have done BBM Hypertrophy and Strength templates without issues. Thanks!
All three templates allow the user to select the exercises they wish to perform, which run the gamut from typical barbell exercises (e.g. squat) to machine-based exercises (e.g. leg extensions). It is possible to do the entire template with access to only a barbell, rack, and weights- though some of the exercise variation will necessarily be decreased AND, you’ll have to sub out some of the isolation work for bodyweight or barbell-based exercises. For example, instead of using a leg extension machine, an individual could do a banded leg extension sitting on a bench, a goblet squat, or box step-up. Similarly, instead of doing a leg press, an individual could do a split squat. In short, more resources for equipment increase the variations an individual can perform, though they aren’t strictly necessary.
Thanks, that’s what I suspected, it’s good to get the confirmation. I have some extras beyond the basic equipment so I should be in good shape.