Exercise Selection -- Programming question

Hi Docs (and happy belated birthday Jordan),

Running week 4 of the knee rehab template and delving into understanding programming better. I’m wanting to prioritize overhead press over bench pressing movements, and have selected Standing OHP as my ‘main’ movement for Phase 2 (weeks 4-8).

Would it be a reasonable idea to have OHP programmed twice in a week, once as a main lift (day 2) and another as a supplemental? Or would that be a poor idea since they would be consecutive workouts apart (Day 2 and Day 3)? Is it a better idea to pair OHP with a horizontal press as the accessory lift?

I.e. Option 1: Horizontal press Day 1, Vertical + Horizontal Day 2, Repeat Vertical Day 3
vs Option 2: Horizontal Day 1, Vertical + Accessory Vertical Day 2, Horizontal Day 3

In general, is it a good idea to balance main leg push movements with an accessory hinge, or do you not find there’s really much of a difference and rep range/rpe accounts for the rest?

I.e. Day 1: LBBS, Stiff L DL, Knee extensions
Day 2: Split squat or hack squat, SLRDL
Day 3: DL, Glute bridge

Wanting to understand ideal programming better but also wanting to get a better blend out of the gate, took a few weeks to avoid exacerbating symptoms with selection in Phase 1.


I think if you’re wanting to prioritize a particular movement pattern, vertical pressing in this case, then doing it more than once a week makes sense. I would do different variations for each slot, but they can both be vertical with the third being horizontal.

I do think that - barring any individual-specific concerns- I’d have equal squat and hinge pattern slots. Within the template, I think picking exercises you can tolerate and train will do this automatically :slight_smile:



Thanks, will do. Have you found 45 degree incline press transfers to OHP well at all, or is it equally mediocre for both bench and OHP? I assume a variation would consist of a change in position/equipment rather than just switching between barbell OHP variations (i.e. “Push Press 1” vs “Push Press 2” in the example videos).

Indeed, I noticed that in the template. Continually impressed with the meticulousness of it, it’s usually a “oh, they thought of that” every time I think of something. Also impressed with what you managed to do with Excel/Sheets, had no idea it had that level of functionality.

Forgot to mention: I appreciate the push regarding my hesitancy with symptoms during the knee template. It’s sometimes hard to gauge what to pay attention to and whether to slow down, especially since my proclivity towards symptoms seems to be abnormal. While I do occasionally experience symptom increases, some that last a while, the trajectory has been notably upward with none of my symptoms passing beyond a 2 or 3 or so and I’ve had significant improvements in range of motion and load tolerance (relevant to previous baseline).

Yes, though I think pretty much any push exercise transfers to OHP (and bench) during early days of training. I like closer grip, higher incline work for press-focused stuff and wider grip, flat bench/low incline for bench-focused work.

Thanks for the kudos on the Excel. What will they think of next?!


Thanks for the reply and good to know.

And no problem, but I was referring to the thoroughness of the programming moreso than the functionality of Excel, if that wasn’t clear :slight_smile: