Floor Press:
This whole exercise feels very silly, in kind of a good way
- Should I be doing these with much of an arch?
- How important is it to keep tight at the bottom? I keep my lats tight well enough, but as soon as my olecranon process hits the floor I notice my triceps kind of naturally loosen up, making the whole exercise feel basically like a very high-altitude pin press. Should I avoid that instinct? Should I just try to avoid touching my elbows to the floor altogether?
Leg Press:
- Is it alright if my butt lifts off the chair a little bit at the start of the press? Not much, maybe a half inch or so. I get the feeling that these aren’t the most strict exercise out there, but I can try to rein it in a little if necessary.
- How important is depth? I basically lower the weight until the top of my quads hits my belly, and that equates to maybe a half-inch over parallel.