Flared Rib

The bottom of my left ribcage sticks out A LOT. It looks a little like what comes up when you google flared ribs. The thing with mine is that the raised portion is more abrupt and out there instead of looking like a smooth bone that’s flaring out. The best way I can describe the location is the curve where the 10th rib meets the intercoastal cartilage. Instead of a smooth curve sticking out, it’s like a big ball at that junction and that is what sticks out.

I can’t remember if it’s always been exactly like this, but I have for sure always had some rib flare there. I’ve just always been 16%+ BF and only recently lost enough weight to get a 6-pack. Now it’s incredibly apparent and looks terrible.

Is there anything that can be done other than surgery? Googling flared rib treatments brings up at-home training programs that seem to be based on woo-woo.

I don’t think I would ever get surgery since 95% of it is cosmetic. The remaining 5% is discomfort when lying on my front. So when doing a sport like surfing, the laying and paddling portion kills and bruises the area. In daily life, I just adjust my actions, and the need to lay on my front is rare enough that it’s not a problem.

If I were to talk to a medical professional about this, what kind of doctor should I go see?

Thank you!


It’s tough to say what this is without examining it and potentially obtaining a basic X-ray, but if it is indeed a cosmetic issue relating to a rib bone, unfortunately I’m not aware of “treatment” options for this sort of thing.

Thank you for the response.

If I decide to press the issue, what kind of doctor should I see who is familiar with this sort of thing?

I would start with primary care, as it would likely require some preliminary imaging before a specialist would see you.

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