I am 26 years old 5”10 and 75kg.
I started with SSNLP 10 months ago, moved to the beginner program, the bridge and now am halfway through Hypertrophy I. I have gained 12kg so far and am loving it!
I recently got a new Pioneer leather belt and after squatting last week I experienced a developing pain in my lower left ribcage. It was particularly noticeable getting in and out of the car, bed or twisting my torso. The pain was no worse than 2-3/10.
I think I was wearing the belt too high and the belt loop was digging into my ribs during the squat.
I am quite familiar with the BBM content so decided to continue with my workout yesterday and just reduce the weight without the belt. Deadlifted fine with a bit of pain and then benched with a bit of discomfort laying down and getting back up. On the final set of my incline bench I went to unrack the weight and felt a pop/crack in the bottom left of my ribcage accompanied by a sharp pain.
I can now feel a sharp stabbing pain (6-7/10) whenever I move or breathe deeply. There is no pain when sitting still but any movement or twisting of the torso I feel the pain in my ribs. Laughing or coughing is very painful and I’m moving around like an old man.
I didn’t get much sleep because laying down is also very uncomfortable.
My question is should I completely stop lifting? I can’t think of any exercises that don’t involve bracing which is quite painful at the moment.
I am also questioning whether or not I should go to the doc and get an Xray?
I don’t want to catastrophise and can’t imagine there is anything broken as I there was no blunt force or collision with anything…
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hey @elliotkip - difficult to state what is ongoing without a consultation. Based on the information you’ve provided, may be worth getting in with a local clinician for a consultation.