Background: I have been on the Novice LP for about 2 months. I am male, 5’10", 162 pounds, 25 years old. Last successful squat session was 220x3x5.
Wednesday I tried using a 3 inch belt for the first time on the squat, deadlift, and press. (I had briefly experimented with a 2 inch belt before.) I had no pain during the workout. Shortly after I walked out of the gym (perhaps as long as 45 minutes, though I don’t really recall), I noticed some minor discomfort while moving my torso in certain positions and coughing. I initially thought I had sore abs, but it was slightly more painful, and some poking around convinced me it was actually my left ribcage, particularly my lower rib. I suspect a rib got knocked into or pinched by the belt Wednesday.
I tried squatting today (Friday), but the belt was causing discomfort during the bottom of the movement, and it jabbed me in a particularly bad way in the second work set, so I decided to stop. I was able to bench without any problems, though there was a little pain when I laid down on the bench (but nothing during the actual lift). I tried to do some chin-ups and felt moderate pain in my ribcage. The symptoms remain and perhaps are a little worse now (though they were getting slightly better prior to today’s squat session).
I emphasize that the day to day discomfort is quite mild, at a 1 or 2 out of 10 on the pain scale, if that. There is no pain if I am not moving my torso or coughing. Breathing is fine. It’s not more than an annoyance, although one that prevents me from training as I would like to.
Question 1: Would it be appropriate to work through this by squatting and DLing beltless for a while at lighter weights, or would it be wiser to take some time off and let things heal fully? I don’t have enough experience to tell if this is a “work through it” or “rest and don’t aggravate it” situation.
Question 2: Would it be stupid to use a 2 inch belt when I do reintroduce a belt? I have a short torso and long legs, and little space between my ribs and iliac crests (not more than 2 inches at the narrowest point). Further, are there any nuances to belt use, besides making sure it isn’t too high or too tight, that would help prevent this in the future?
Thanks for your time and all the wonderful information you provide!