General advice when no equipment is available

I’m sure this has been covered before, but I could not find a specific thread on this, so I apologize…

The main question: If you are using the BBM beginner template, General strength and conditioning, or one of the other strength templates and you go on a trip (less than 3 weeks) where absolutely no formal exercise equipment is available, including barbells, what should one do in that scenario training-wise?

All of us who care about training make an effort on vacation to find a gym and generally there is one, even in the middle of no-where. But inevitably there are trips we take that really are literally in the middle of no-where, like camping or to an island in Lake Superior where the nearest gym is an hour and a half away from the location of a week-long family vacation, and there just isn’t a way to tell your family who does not share the same urgency to move arbitrary objects through space that you’ll need to be doing that for the next 6 hours and spend $40 on a round trip ferry ride with the only car (dis me).

What to do? Practice the movements? Find a log and bear-hug it while you squat? Push ups? Should you buy special travel strength equipment and do your best?

I’ve never really experienced this personally, but with clients we either plan a high GPP week with stuff we know that’s available, e.g bw calisthenics, cardio equipment, etc.

Typically program something like a 30 min circuit HIIT session and then lots of walking or additional cardio.

But yea, I travel a lot of places and have never been without a gym. Just my personal preference and I know sometimes we don’t get to choose!