GPP Hypertrophy Template missing press log?

I’m sure that I am not the only one trying this template, but I didn’t see the question posted so let’s see if we can sort out what I am overlooking…
I received the template yesterday, so I assume it’s the latest version.

Week 1, Day 1 went just fine. Logs worked as expected.

Week 1, Day 2 calls for Competition Press (Which, I assume in this case refers to OHP)
But I don’t see press in the log or analysis tabs. It only lists Comp Squat, DL and Bench and variations for each.

Hi James,

Yes that is the correct version. We don’t actually analyze the press in the logs the same way as we do the other lifts, so it is logged as one of the supplemental Press movements when we use that. You could certainly log the press in the bench tab instead if you’d prefer!

Works for me, thanks.