Im going start running as my gpp. Is it fine to just follow recommendations on your templates or should replace HIIT portion with something else like tempo run? Im not experienced runner so this will be somewhat novel stimulus for me, but strenght is not a 1st priority right now, as I need to lose some weight and shrink my vaist a bit. Starting hypertrophy 1 next week.
Depending on how much you weigh and your experience with running, I might not recommend jumping feet first into running for both GPP days. Rather, I’d consider doing your LISS as running and HIIT as something else until you get more experienced with it and can thus, likely tolerate it.
Thanks for advice Jordan.
Can I do first couple weeks of both LISS days as running? (No HIIT programmed till week 3)
I chose running bc I need to do gpp at home/nearby and sometimes weird times to get it done. I tried doing it after lifting, but sessions started to take too much time, so I ended up skipping conditioning entirely and felt bad cause I wasnt “doing the program”.
I am bit heavy for running though:
34yo, 183cm, 107kg with 105cm vaist.
I have >5 years of lifting behind me and some athletic backround of playing soccer at my youth and some recreational sports as adult, but last 2 years mostly just lifting. I guess I could do something like mountain climbers for HIIT sessions?
You can do whatever you like, Sami. That said, I have some concern over a person who has not run much in the past suddenly doing a lot of running. I would stick with my original recommendation. I would rather you skip the 3rd lift for a given day and do HIIT using a bike, rower, sled, etc. rather than doing mountain climbers.
Fair enough. I’ll start with 1 RPE6 run/week and try to fit 1 airbike session after one of lifting my days.