I’m trying out the 8 week bridge program and I got a couple questions: I read the goal of GPP and I’m still unclear as to 1) what you mean by doing submaximal sets in amrap style. And 2) (it might tie to the first question) can you give an example of an accumulate max work set for the 7 minute ab work? Just want to make sure I’m on the right track. My initial thought was doing different sets of amrap in the 7 minute window for both rows/pullups, aswell as for the isometric ab work, just want to make sure if I have the right approach or if I’m far off…thanks in advance!
For the upper back work, you’ll pick one movement for the day and do sub-maximal sets with brief rest for the duration of the 7 min. So a set of chins (let’s say 5), drop off, then do another set, etc. The sets can get smaller as you go, even down to doing singles and dropping off the bar as you don’t do any set to failure. You do want to cycle through the set/brief rest cycle for the 7 min.
For abs, you’ll do the same thing-you can do plank holds for 20 sec, rest briefly, hold again, until you hit 7 min. Or you can do L-sits or hollow rocks.
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