Hello. I’m finally planning to begin The Bridge next week, and I have some questions about the terminology in the GPP days. I’m not super comfortable with the language I’m encountering in the program, and I want to make sure I fully understand before I dive in.
On GPP days, the first line says: Pull ups, chin ups, or rows x 7 min AMRAP done in submaximal sets. I’m not exactly sure what this means. I can do probably 15 chin ups in a single set before I max out, but it’s not clear to me how to do them for 7 minutes in submaximal sets. Do I rest between sets? What is the goal here? And just in case it isn’t what it sounds like, does submaximal mean that I still have some in the tank when I stop?
It also says: Accumulate max work on isometric ab exercise for 7 minutes. I understand what isometric means, and I’ve done planks before, but please help me understand what this means. I can’t plank for 7 minutes. Is the goal here to plank as long as possible, taking short rests as needed, stopping at 7 minutes?
Thanks very much in advance. I know this has probably been covered multiple times elsewhere, but I wasn’t able to find it.
Yes. Do as much as possible, with multiple sets and short rests in between. Leave a few in the tank when you finish a set in order to be able to do more in the long run.
I wish they would do a video on this, or Alan would, to clear up some confusion. But your chins I would do 6-8, wait 20-30 seconds and do it again. Keep doing this until it feels like RPE 9 and then drop the reps to 4-5. With Abs I do something like planks for 2 minutes, right side plank for 45 seconds, left plank for 45 seconds, v-sit for 30 seconds, short rest and then start over. I could be wrong but this is how I’ve been doing it.